Amazing . .    an unbelievable Valentine's Day surprise !!
Almost a perfect heart shape except for the top right corner


Is dinner ready yet ??   Struggling to balance on a high bar stool, Shay asks?
(One of our PAF rescues)


 Lori F. has lots of rescued bunny rabbits and she gives them super care.
This little guy is finding treats hidden in the cups under the lids.  He is lightning
fast and tosses those cup lids like frisbees in order to grab those treats!


Here he is showing off again with a different treat toy ! Lori said we couldn't have
the meeting until we watched how smart her rabbits were - LOL !


This is Willow's "Miko" - he was a feral kitten and another PAF rescue.
He still has his feralish tendancies when awake !


Gorgeous boy but needing a shave soon as he won't allow brushing.
Look at the intensity in his eyes as soon as he wakes up. 


This is Gilbert . . one of the Lion King Litter from December !
Davina says he is the cutest little boy !


This is Gilbert's mother - Penelope.  She was a feral mommy and, after we had her spayed, Danielle DeBen found her a barn home in Cloverdale!   Penelope has gained weight and loves her country home!