Did you know . . . . ?
TNR is
“cutting edge technology” for feral cats and has been for at least 10 years.
The practice
was first used in Denmark, the United Kingdom and elsewhere in Europe. TNR is
the preferred method in these countries for feral cat population control.
In the late
1980’s it was introduced into the USA and practiced by small, innovative groups
and individuals who recognized that killing feral cats simply because they were
unadoptable was a disproportionate and unacceptable means of control when
Trap/Neuter/Return was a viable alternative. The benefits a TNR program offers:
fewer complaints, less nuisance behaviour, and a reduced feral cat population. · Because the practice of TNR was effective, humane and immediately lowered taxpayer dollars funding local shelters, communities across the country began to embrace the practice. With the emphasis beginning in the 1990’s on saving our planet and becoming eco-friendly with the species sharing our habitat, the public began demanding new solutions to deal with overpopulation that didn’t involve killing healthy but unadoptable feral cats. Why are we trying to get the word out about Trap/Neuter/Return?
Because an
overwhelming majority of animal control agencies and shelters keep a firm grip
on outdated animal damage control laws and species-inappropriate policies that
result in the killing of over 71 percent* of all cats – pet, stray, and feral –
that enter their facilities. Virtually every feral cat that animal control
traps or that enters a shelter dies. (*Stats
from Feral Cat Activist – May 2007 – Alley Cat Allies)
· “For all the progress the feral cat movement has made, the fact is, we have not changed the status quo. In many communities we have built and paid for a parallel system that humanely treats and cares for outdoor cats while our tax dollars continue to fund the animal control agencies that kill them.” (Quote from Feral Cat Activist – May 2007 – Alley Cat Allies) However . . . it is very difficult to argue with success. · Communities want the killing to stop and are buying into Trap/Neuter/Return. Resistant humane societies are taking notice. The bottom line is, the humane societies can’t hold out forever in the face of overwhelming public support and evidence that TNR works. What is the evidence that TNR works in North Vancouver? · Drastically reduced numbers of kittens flooding into vet clinics each spring and summer · Hundreds of residents very pleased with control of feral kitten populations in their neighbourhoods and places of business; absence of nuisance behaviours such as yowling, fighting and spraying once the feral cats have been fixed. · Residents pleased that healthy (but unadoptable) feral cats are not being killed. · Numerous North Vancouver residents co-operating with each other and helping with the TNR program in their neighbourhoods. So . . . who is now supporting and/or practicing Trap/Neuter/Return?
And here’s what some of those groups are now saying about Trap/Neuter/Return:
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